Title: African Pterodactyis
Author: Jeffreys, M.D.W.
Date published: 1944
Catagory URL: http://afraf.oxfordjournals.org
Title: African Voices from the Congo Coast: Languages And The Politics Of Identification in The Slave Ship Jovem Maria (1850)
Author: Almeida, Marcos Abreu Leitão De
Date published: 2019
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Catagory URL: http://www.cambridge.org
Title: Afro-christian syncretism in the Kingdom of Kongo
Author: Thornton, John K.
Date published: 2013
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Catagory URL: http://journals.cambridge.org/
Title: Agricultural innovations and adaptations to climate change effects and food security in Central Africa : case of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Central African Republic
Author: Musongong, Bella Ngoh
Date published: 2011
Publisher: African Technology Policy studies Network
Title: An Elusive Record Exposed: Radiocarbon Chronology of Late Holocene Human Settlement in the Northern Congo Basin, Southern Central African Republic
Author: Lupo, Karen D.
Date published: 2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: An Elusive Record Further Exposed: Additional Excavations and Chronometric Data on Human Settlement in the Northern Congo Basin Rain Forest, Southern Central African Republic
Author: Schmitt, Dave N.
Date published: 2019
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: Bantu Ethnic and Traditional Relations in Focus of Central Africa
Author: A Balome, Kabamba Nkamany
Date published: 1991
Publisher: International Centre for Bantu Civilization
Title: Britain in Central African in Sixties
Author: Alport, Lord
Date published: 1963
Catagory URL: http://afraf.oxfordjournals.org
Title: Camouflage: the hunting origins of worlding in Africa
Author: Lombard, Louisa
Date published: 2016
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/
Title: Central Africa: Crises, reform and reconstruction
Date published: 2005
Publisher: CODESRIA
Catagory URL: http://www.codesria.org