Title: Africa in transformation : Political and economic transformations and socio-economic development responses in Africa ;vol 2 political and economic reforms transformations and gender issues
Author: Prah, Kwesi Kwaa (ed)
Date published: 2000
Publisher: OSSREA
Title: Africa in transformation : Political and economic transformations and socio-economic development responses in Africa ;vol I political and economic issues
Author: Prah, Kwesi Kwaa (ed)
Date published: 2000
Publisher: OSSREA
Title: Africa's Priority Program for Economic Recovery 1986-1960
Date published: 1985
Publisher: Organization of African Unity (OAU)
Title: Economic Growth with Equity: Ukrainian Perspectives
Author: Hanson, John
Date published: 1999
Publisher: The World Bank
Title: Economic Growth with Equity: Which Strategy for Ukraine?
Author: Hansen, John
Date published: 1999
Publisher: The World Bank
Title: Lithuania: An opportunity for Economic Success volume 1 main report
Date published: 1998
Publisher: The World Bank
Title: Modern economic growth: Rate, structure and spread (an adaptation)
Author: Kuznets, Simon
Date published: 1966
Title: Readings in the economic history of growth: a study of successful and/or promising beginnings: Book II
Author: Falkus, Malcolm E., (ed.)
Date published: 1965
Title: Small is beautiful: A study of economics as if people mattered
Author: Schumacher, E.F.
Date published: 1973
Publisher: Blond and Briggs
Title: The Achieving Society: An Adaptation
Author: MCcLELLAND, David C.
Date published: 1961
Publisher: Feffer and Simons Private Ltd