Title: Resilience of Female Academics in Rural South African Higher Education amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Date published: 2022
Publisher: Adonis & Abbey Publishers -
Title: Revitalizing Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A United Nations University project report
Date published: 2009
Publisher: United Nations University -
Title: Schooling inequality, higher education and the labour market: Evidence from a graduate tracer study in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Date published: 2016
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL: http://www.tandfonline.com -
Title: Sharing Higher Education's Promise beyond the Few in Sub-Saharan Africa
Date published: 2017
Publisher: The world Bank -
Title: Shifting Patterns of the Government’s Policies for the Internationalization of Korean Higher Education
Date published: 2011
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Catagory URL: http://jsi.sagepub.com -
Title: Some prerequisites for access programmes that contribute to academic success in higher education
Date published: 2014
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL: http://www.tandfonline.com -
Title: South African students’ perceptions of the role of a gap year in preparing them for higher education
Date published: 2013
Publisher: UNISA -
Title: South African University history: a historiographical overview
Date published: 2016
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL: http://www.tandfonline.com -
Title: Sri Lanka Education Sector Assessment
Date published: 2017
Publisher: The world Bank
Catagory URL: https://elibrary.worldbank.org/doi/pdf/10.1596/978-1-4648-1052-7 -
Title: State-in-Society: the Mutual Constitutiveness of the Developmental State and Higher Education in South Africa
Publisher: CODESRIA
Catagory URL: http://www.informaworld.com