Title: Deviance, crime and socio-legal control: comparative perspectives
Author: Robertson, Ronald
Date published: 1973
Publisher: M. Robertson
Title: Note every body's business: Community policing in the SAp's priority areas
Author: Pelser, Eric
Date published: 2002
Title: Crime, Isolation and Law enforcement
Author: Fafehamps, Marcel
Date published: 2003
Catagory URL:
Title: Enforced informalisation: The case of liquor retailers in South Africa
Author: Charman, Andrew JE
Date published: 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL:
Title: Enhancing Economic Development and Job Creation in Addis Ababa : The Role of the City Administration
Date published: 2018
Publisher: World Bank
Title: Legal Sector Reform Pursuits in Ethiopia: Gaps in Grassroots Empowerment
Author: Stebek, EN
Date published: 2015
Publisher: St Mary's University College
Title: Ranger/soldier: patterns of militarizing conservation in Uganda
Author: Day, Christopher
Date published: 2023
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: Rape reporting in post-conflict Côte d'Ivoire: Accessing justice and ending impunity
Author: Medie, Peace A.
Date published: 2017
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Catagory URL:
Title: Shebeens and crime: the multiple criminalities of South African liquor and its regulation
Author: Herrick, Clare
Date published: 2013
Publisher: Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Catagory URL:
Title: The Practice of Informal Changes to the Ethiopian Constitution in the Course of Application
Author: Nigussie Afesha
Date published: 2016
Publisher: St Mary's University College
Catagory URL: