Nigeria collection
Title: A black byzantium: The kingdom of nupe in Nigeria
Author: NADEL, S.F.
Date published: 1942
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: A geography of settlement in Eastern Nigeria
Author: Karmon, Yehuda
Date published: 1966
Publisher: Magnes P.;Oxford U.P
Title: A History of the IGBO People
Author: Isichei, Elizabeth
Date published: 1976
Publisher: Macmillan Publishers
Title: A March of Progress: Collected Speeches of his Excellency General Olusegun Obasanjo.
Author: Scott-E Muakpor, L.E.
Date published: [1980?]
Publisher: Federal Ministry of Information, Federal Military Government of Nigeria,
Title: A March of Progress:Collected speeches of his excellency General Olusegun Obasanjo
Author: Scott-Emeerakpur, L.E(ed)
Date published: [1980?]
Publisher: Federal Ministry of Information, Federal Military Government of Nigeria
Title: A Preface to Modern Nigeria: The Sierra Leonians in Yoruba, 1830-1890
Author: Kopytoff, Jean Herskovits
Date published: 1965
Publisher: The University of Wisconsin Press
Title: A Review of the effectiveness of the Laws on Drug abuse in Nigeria.
Author: Dambazau, A.B.
Date published: 1997
Publisher: National Institute for Policy and Strategic studies
Title: A wreath for the maidens
Author: Munonye, John
Date published: 1973
Publisher: Heinemann
Title: Africa's development and destiny: Address to the 27th session of the OAU assembly of heads of state and government held in Abuja, Nigeria on June 4, 1991
Author: CONABLE, Barber B.
Date published: 1991
Publisher: World Bank
Title: African seminar on problems of drug dependence: Lagos, Nigeria, 26th - 28th Nov. 1980: Proceedings
Author: Anumonye, A. [et al.]
Date published: [n.d.]