RISK collection
Title: Post Humanism, Virtual Warfare, and the Defence Preparedness of Nations : A Case for Africa's Readiness
Author: Jegede, Ajibade Ebenezer
Date published: 2019
Publisher: Adonis & Abbey
Title: Practice of sumo kodhi among the Luo and implications for HIV transmission in western Kenya
Author: Olang'o, Charles Omondi
Date published: 2014
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL: http://www.tandfonline.com
Title: Risk and protection: Youth and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
Date published: 2004
Publisher: The Alan Guttmacher Institute
Title: Risk, Poverty and Vulnerability in Africa
Author: Dercon, Stefan
Date published: 2005
Catagory URL: http://jae.oxfordjournals.org
Title: Shocks and Consumption in 15 Ethiopian Villages, 1999–2004
Author: Dercon, Stefan
Date published: 2005
Catagory URL: http://jae.oxfordjournals.org
Title: The Adoption of Mobile Banking among College Students in Zimbabwe
Author: Ndofirepi, Takawira Munyaradzi
Date published: 2019
Publisher: Adonis & Abbey Publishers
Title: The Impact of Domestic and International Commodity Price Volatility on Agricultural Income Instability: Ghana\Vietnam\Peru
Author: Sarris, Alexander
Date published: 2006
Publisher: UNU-WIDER
Title: The Impact of Risk on Bilateral Trade in the Southern African Customs Union (SACU)
Author: Mlipha, S. S. B.
Date published: 2020
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Title: The Influence of Market Orientation, Risk Taking and Innovative Performance on New Product Performance: A Case of Gauteng Province in South Africa
Author: Elizabeth, Chinomona
Date published: 2023
Publisher: Adonis & Abbey Publishers
Title: The risk and returns effects of corporate governance and funding strategy of banks in Ghana
Author: Gariba, Felix
Date published: 2018
Publisher: Wiley
Catagory URL: http://www.inderscience.com