Sierra Leone collection
Title: A History of Sierra Leone
Author: Fyfe, Christopher
Date published: 1962
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: Adam Afzelius: Sierra Leone Journal 1795-1796
Author: Kup, Alexander Peter, (ed.)
Date published: 1967
Publisher: Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia
Title: African language review: Formerly the Sierra Leone Language Review
Author: Dalby, David E.
Date published: 1973
Title: An Account of the Native Africans in the Neighbourhood of Sierra Leone to Which is Added an Account of the Present State of Medicine Among them
Author: WINTERBOTTOM, Thomas
Date published: 1969
Publisher: Frank Cass
Title: Best Practices in peace building and non-violent conflict resolution: Some documented African Women's peace initiatives.
Date published: 1997
Publisher: Vernier & UNHCR/UNESCO.\.UNDP.\.UNFPA
Title: Bound to cooperate : Conflict, peace and people in Sierraleone
Author: Ayissi, Anatole (ed)
Date published: 2000
Publisher: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
Title: Building peace in West Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea-Bissau
Author: Adebajo, Adekeye
Date published: 2002
Publisher: Reinner
Title: Domestic slavery in West Africa: With particular reference to the Sierra Leone protectorate, 1896-1927
Author: Grace, John
Date published: 1975
Publisher: Mulle
Title: Economics including management and sociology as academic disciplines in Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Zimbabwe: Current state, priority needs and training and research programmes
Author: Jinadu, Adele
Date published: 1989
Publisher: UNESCO
Title: Ensuring equitable growth: a strategy for Increasing Employment, Equity, and Basic Needs Satisfaction in Sierra Leone
Date published: 1981
Publisher: ILO