South Africa collection
Title: Gandhi in South Africa: British Imperialism and the Indian question: 1860-1914
Author: Huttenback, Robert A.
Date published: 1971
Title: Gatsha Buthelezi: Chief with a Double Agenda
Author: Mzala
Date published: 1988
Publisher: Zed Books Ltd
Title: Great Britain and South African Confederation: 1870-1881
Author: Goodfellow, Clement Francis
Date published: 1966
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: Guide to South African reference books
Author: Musiku, Reuben (comp.)
Date published: 1971
Title: How Long will South Africa Survive?
Author: Johnson, R.W.
Date published: (c1977)
Publisher: Macmillan Publishers
Title: Human rights, political instability and investment in : A note
Author: Fielding, David
Date published: 2000
Publisher: CSAE Publishing
Title: India and South Africa: A history of race relations within the British empire 1890-1939
Author: Gregory, Robert G.
Date published: 1971
Title: International institutions and economic sanctions on South Africa
Author: Morrell, Jim
Date published: 1980
Publisher: Africa Bureau
Title: Justice Versus Retribution: Attitudes to punishment in the Eastern Cape
Author: Schonteich,Martin
Date published: 2000
Publisher: Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Title: Labour in the South African Gold Mines, 1911-1969
Author: Wilson, Francis
Date published: 1972
Publisher: University Press