Title: Gender mainstreaming experiences from eastern and southern Africa
Date published: 2010
Publisher: OSSREA -
Title: Gender, migration and remittances in Southern Africa
Date published: 2008
Publisher: The Southern African Migration Project -
Title: Globalization and the Southern African Economies
Date published: 2004
Publisher: The Nordic Africa Institute -
Title: Green violence: Rhino poaching and the war to save Southern Africa's peace parks
Date published: 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Catagory URL: -
Title: Hide and Seek: Taking Account of Small Arms in Souther Africa
Date published: 2004
Publisher: Institute for Security Studies (ISS) -
Title: Higher education fiancing in East and Southern Africa
Date published: 2010
Publisher: Centre for higher education transformation -
Title: Historians Converge and Consolidate in Botswana
Date published: 2014
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL: - Title: Historic Drought Ravishes Southern Africa and Raises Conflict Concerns : Southern Africa - Regional Analysis
Title: HIV risk and prevention among men who have sex with men in rural South Africa
Date published: 2017
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL: -
Title: HIV/AIDS in the transport sector of southern Africa: Operational challenges, research gaps and policy recommendations
Date published: 2013
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL: