Sudan collection
Title: Sudanese Ethics
Author: Nordenstam, Tore
Date published: 1968
Publisher: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies
Title: Sudanese Memoirs: Being mainly translations of a number of Arabic manuscripts relating to the Central and Western Sudan
Author: Palmer, H.R.
Date published: 1967
Publisher: Frank Cass
Title: Survival on meagre resources: Hadendowa pastoralism in the Red Sea hills
Author: Manger, Leif and [et al.]
Date published: 1996
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: Teacher-centered: Quality in Sudan primary education 1930 to 1970
Author: Griffiths, V.L.
Date published: 1975
Publisher: Longman
Title: Tenants and nomads in Eastern Sudan: A study of economic adaptations in the new Halfa scheme
Author: Sorbo, Gunnar M.
Date published: 1985
Publisher: Commonwealth Secretariat
Title: The common law in the Sudan : An account of the Justice, Equity and Good conscience
Author: Mustafa, Zaki
Date published: 1971
Publisher: Provision Oxford Clarendon Press
Title: The Conquest of the Western Sudan: A study in French Military Imperialism
Author: Kanya-Forstner, A.S.
Date published: 1969
Publisher: University Press
Title: The Fulani Empire of Sokolo
Author: Johnston, H.A.S.
Date published: 1967
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: The Geology of the Sudan Republic
Author: Whiteman, A.J.
Date published: 1971
Publisher: Clarendon Press
Title: The land of the two Niles: A tourist guide
Date published: 1986