Tanzania collection
Title: 1978 population census: Vol. 7: Basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics
Date published: 1982
Publisher: Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs
Title: A survey of Dar Es Salaam
Author: Leslie, J.A.K.
Date published: 1963
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: African Socialism in Practice: The Tanzanian Experience
Author: COULSON, Andrew (ed)
Date published: 1979
Publisher: Spokesman Books
Title: Agriculture in Tanzania since 1986: Follower or leader of growth
Date published: 2000
Publisher: the World Bank
Title: An African dilemma: University students, development and politics in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda
Author: Barkan, Joel D.
Date published: 1975
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: Bank of Tanzania : Economic and operations report for teh year ended 30th June, 1994
Date published: 1995
Publisher: Bank of Tanzania
Title: Behavioural and epidemiological aspects of AIDS research in Tanzania
Author: Killewo, Jzj
Date published: 1992
Publisher: SAREC
Title: Between five lines: The development of ethnicity in Tanzania with special reference to the western Bagamoya district
Author: Jerman, Helena
Date published: 1997
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: Chaga childhood: A description of indigenous education in an East African tribe
Author: Raum, O. F.
Date published: 1940
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: China's African Policy
Author: Yu, George T.
Date published: (c1975)
Publisher: Praeger Publishers