The Almohad legacy in the reign of al-Mustan ir (647-675 AH/1249-1277 CE)
The Almohad legacy in the reign of al-Mustan ir (647-675 AH/1249-1277 CE)
The af id [makhzen/ruling administration], which grew out of old Almohad élites, succeeded in combining the administrative traditions of Ifriqiya with the specific features of Almohad power. It was founded primarily on the army, based in the garrisons of Ifriqiya, especially Tunis. The continuing importance of Almohad ideology did not prevent major changes under al-Mustan ir, who profited both from emigration from al-Andalus and from local political heritage, which he used to build a state that was both Ifriqiyan and Almohad. Thus, the af ids became a closed caste, far removed from their tribal Ma muda origins, holding power with the help of other foreign elements. The legacy of the Almohads influenced the politics, socio-economic life, and culture of Ifriqiya under the caliph al-Mustan ir, although not evenly: whether of Moroccan or Andalusi origin, this legacy was more pronounced in urban than in rural environments. The Almohad fiscal system remained in force in Ifriqiya into the af id period, and Almohad influence is also detectable in several sectors of the economy and urban life. On the other hand, under al-Mustan ir, the limits of Almohad influence upon the culture of Ifriqiya become apparent.
CITATION: Hassen, Mohammed. The Almohad legacy in the reign of al-Mustan ir (647-675 AH/1249-1277 CE) . Oxon : Taylor & Francis Group , 2021. Journal of North African Studies,Vol. 26, No. 4, 2021, pp. 597-610 - Available at: