Kenya collection
Title: The great rift valley: Being the narrative of a journey to mount Kenya and Lake Baringo, with some account of the geology, natural history, anthropology and future prospects of British east Africa
Author: GREGORY, J.W.
Date published: 1968
Publisher: Cass
Title: The Kenyatta election: Kenya 1960-1961
Author: Bennet, George, Rosberg, Carl G.
Date published: 1961
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Title: The Myth of Mau Mau: Nationalism in Kenya
Author: Rosberg, Carl G., jr.
Date published: 1966
Publisher: Frederick A. Praeger
Title: The new local level politics in East Africa: Studies on Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya
Author: Kanyinga, Karuti
Date published: 1994
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: The political Economy of Kenya
Author: Schatzberg, Michael G.
Date published: 1987
Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Title: The Political Economy of Kenya
Author: Schatzberg, Michael G.
Date published: 1987
Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Title: The web of poverty : Women and sugarcane farming in Bokoli lication, Bungoma district, Kenya
Author: Nangendo, Stevie Moses
Date published: 1998
Publisher: OSSREA
Title: Treaty for east African co-operation
Date published: 1967
Publisher: EAC
Title: Unbowed: A Memoir Wangari Maatthia
Author: Maathai, Wangari Muta
Date published: 2006
Publisher: Anchor Books
Title: Wildlife and Safari in Kenya
Author: Pearson, John
Date published: [n.d.]