Kenya collection
Title: With a prehistoric people: The Akikuyu of British East Africa
Author: Routledge, W. Scoresby
Date published: 1968
Title: Women forget that men are the Masters: Gender Antagonism and socio-economic change in KISII District, Kenya
Author: Silberschmidt, Margrethe
Date published: 1999
Publisher: The Nordic Africa Institute
Title: Women in Kenya and the Netherlands development cooperation: 1985-1995
Date published: 1998
Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Title: Women workers in Ghana, Kenya, Zambia : A comparative analysis of women's employment in the modern wage sector
Author: Akerele, Olubanke
Date published: 1979
Publisher: UN-ECA
Title: Woods, energy and households: Perspectives on rural Kenya
Author: Barnes, Carolyn(ed.)
Date published: 1984
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: "Ambiguous Citizens": Kenyan Somalis and the Question of Belonging
Author: Scharrer, Tabea
Date published: 2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: "Are you planting trees or are you planting people?" -- squatter resistance and international development in the making of a Kenyan postcolonial political order (c.1963-78)
Author: Moskowitz, Kara
Date published: 2015
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Catagory URL:
Title: "Dust people": Samburu perspectives on disaster, identity, and landscape
Author: Straight, Bilinda
Date published: 2016
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: "Kill me Quick" - a history of Nubian Grin in Kibera
Author: Smedt, Johan de
Publisher: African Studies Centre, Boston University
Title: "Little Dubai" in the crossfire: trade corridor dynamics and ethno-territorial conflict in the Kenyan-Ethiopian border town Moyale
Author: Sowa, Katrin
Date published: 2023
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group