Title: A hierarchy of struggles? The ‘economic’ and the ‘political’ in Egypt's revolution
Author: Abdelrahman, M.
Date published: 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL:
Title: Aid for Trade and African agriculture: the bittersweet case of Swazi sugar
Author: Richardson-Ngwenya, Pamela
Date published: 2014
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL:
Title: Aid Negotiation: The Uneasy "Partnership" Between EPRDF and the Donors
Author: Dereje Feyissa
Date published: 2019
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: Aid negotiation: the uneasy ?partnership? between EPRDF and the donors
Author: Dereje Feyissa
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL:
Title: Ajaokuta Steel Company of Nigeria and concession: counting the human cost, 2003–2010
Author: Attah, Noah Echa
Date published: 2013
Publisher: Inderscience
Catagory URL:
Title: Bridging Social and Environmental Risks: The Potential for an Emerging Environmental Justice Framework in South Africa
Author: Leonard, Llewellyn
Date published: 2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: Challenges and Opportunities of Village Community Networks Within the Neoliberal Context: A Case Study of Women's Networks in Africa
Author: Madaha, Rasel
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: Changing Policies and Their Influence on Government Health Workers in Tanzania, 1967-2009: Perspectives from Rural Mbulu District
Author: Bech, Margunn M.
Date published: 2013
Publisher: African Studies Centre, Boston University
Catagory URL:
Title: Charismatic discipleship: a Sufi woman and the divine mission of development in Senegal
Author: Hill, Joseph
Date published: 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Catagory URL:
Title: Crisis of Neoliberalism and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Reclaiming the Welfare State
Author: Budz, Joseph
Date published: 2022
Publisher: Adonis & Abbey Publishers