Africa collection
Title: A school in Uganda
Author: Marshall, James
Date published: 1976
Publisher: Gollancz
Title: A short history of Africa
Author: Oliver, Roland
Date published: 1975
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd.
Title: A short history of Zambia: From the Earliest times until A.D. 1900
Author: Fagan, Brian M.
Date published: 1966
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: A Simple History of East Africa
Author: Brittain, H.
Date published: 1963
Publisher: Collins
Title: A simple lust: Selected poems including Sirens Knuckles Boots - Letters to Martha - Poems from Algiers - Thoughts Abroad
Author: Brutus, Denis
Date published: 1973
Publisher: Heinemann
Title: A social geography of Zambia: A survey of population patterns in a developing country
Author: Kay, George
Date published: 1967
Title: A socioeconomic profile of South Africa
Author: Duggan, William R.
Date published: 1973
Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Title: A Sourcebook of the Criminal Law of Africa: Cases, statutes and materials
Author: Seidman, Robert B.
Date published: 1966
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell
Title: A strategy for human development in African countries
Date published: 1991
Title: A strategy for managing water in the Middle East and North Africa
Author: Berkoff, Jeremy, 1943-
Date published: 1994
Publisher: WB