Southern Africa collection
Title: A dwelling place of our own: The story of the Namibian nation
Author: Vigne, Randolph
Date published: 1975
Publisher: International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa (IDAF)
Title: A history of Resistance in Namibia
Author: Katjavivi, Peter H.
Date published: 1988
Publisher: J.Currey|OAU|UNESCO
Title: A history of South Africa
Author: Thompson, Leonard
Date published: 2000
Publisher: Yale University of Press
Title: A History of Zambia
Author: Roberts, Andrew
Date published: (1976)
Publisher: Heinemann
Title: A Peace in Southern Africa: The Lancaster House Conference on Rhodesia, 1979.
Author: Davidow, Jeffrey
Date published: 1984
Publisher: Westview Press
Title: A Political History of Munhumutapa C. 1400-1902
Author: Mudengo, S.I.G.
Date published: 1988
Publisher: Zimbabwe Publishing House
Title: A short history of Zambia: From the Earliest times until A.D. 1900
Author: Fagan, Brian M.
Date published: 1966
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: A social geography of Zambia: A survey of population patterns in a developing country
Author: Kay, George
Date published: 1967
Title: A socioeconomic profile of South Africa
Author: Duggan, William R.
Date published: 1973
Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Title: A survey of race relations in South Africa
Author: Horrell, Muriel, (compiler)
Date published: 1972