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Early Kanem-Borno fired brick élite locations in Kanem, Chad: archaeological and historical implications
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
No one remains living in the past': the dynamics of pottery technological styles in southwestern Ethiopia
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Dwelling after Makuria: the organisation and function of space in houses of the Funj period in Old Dongola, Nubia
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
The Carboneras Beach archaeological site on Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea): old data and new stories about a unique culture
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
The devil's in the detail: revisiting the ceiling panel at RSA CHI1, Kamberg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Hunter-gatherers on the basin's edge: a preliminary look at Holocene human occupation of Nangara-Komba Shelter, Central African Republic
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Introductory Note of the Chairperson of the Commission to the Annual Report on the Activities of the African Union and its Organs January to December 2018: Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa's Transformation - ([2018])
Publisher: African Union
Annual Report on the Activities of the African Union and its Organs January to December 2018: Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa's Transformation - ([2018])
Publisher: African Union
Human development education science, technology and innovation Youth: Report of annual continental activities 2017 - ([2017])
Publisher: African Union (AU)