BUSINESS collection
Title: Data information literacy instruction in Business and Public Health|Comparative case studies
Date published: 2016
Publisher: IFLA
Catagory URL: -
Title: Digital Ubiquity: How Connections, Sensors, and Data Are Revolutionizing Business
Date published: 2014
Publisher: Harvard Business School Press
Catagory URL: -
Title: Doing business 2007: How to reform
Date published: 2006
Publisher: World Bank -
Title: Doing business 2009
Date published: 2008
Publisher: World Bank -
Title: Doing Business in 2004: understanding Regulations
Date published: 2004
Publisher: The world bank -
Title: Doing business in 2006: Creating jobs
Date published: 2005
Publisher: The World Bank -
Title: Driving Forces for Innovations in Payment Systems
Date published: 2011
Publisher: IGI Global
Catagory URL: -
Title: DSP Acceleration for Dynamic Financial Models
Date published: 2011
Publisher: IGI Global
Catagory URL: -
Title: DTNS System and RTGS System
Date published: 2011
Publisher: IGI Global
Catagory URL: -
Title: Elements that Can Explain the Degree of Success of ERP Systems Implementation
Date published: 2009
Publisher: IGI Global
Catagory URL: