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Author: Benoit, Philippe
Date published: 1995
Publisher: World Bank
Title: The Capitalist Revolution: Fifty Propositions About Prosperity, Equality, & Liberty
Author: Berger, Peter L.
Date published: 1986
Publisher: Basic Books
Title: The Fragmented World;Competing Perspectives on Trade, Money and Crisis
Author: Edwards, Chris
Date published: 1985
Publisher: Methuen Publishing
Title: The Path of Economic Growth
Author: Lowe, Adolph
Date published: 1976
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Title: The Political Basis of Economic Development: An Exploration in Comparative Political Analysis
Author: Holt, Robert T.
Date published: 1966
Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company Inc.
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Author: Simon, Julian L.
Date published: 1986
Publisher: Basil Blackwell
Title: Toward gender equality : The role of public policy: An overview
Date published: 1995
Publisher: WB
Title: Toward gender equality: The role of public policy
Date published: 1995
Publisher: World Bank
Title: Trade policy reform : Lesson and implications
Author: Nash, John (ed)
Date published: 1998
Publisher: The World Bank
Title: Understanding development : Theory and practice in the third world
Author: Rapley, John
Date published: 2002
Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers