Title: A bourgeois reform with social justice? The contradictions of the Minerals Development Bill and black economic empowerment in the South African platinum mining industry
Author: Capps, Gavin
Date published: 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL:
Title: Economic Empowerment of Women Good for All: Countries Make Progress Lifting Endemic Obstacles
Author: Ighobor, Kingsley
Date published: 2019
Publisher: UN
Title: Extraction and beyond
Author: Laterza, Vito
Date published: 2017
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: Foreign investment, black economic empowerment and militarised patronage politics in Zimbabwe
Author: Magure, Booker
Date published: 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: Gender and Economic Empowerment in Africa: Evidence and Policy
Author: Wekwete, Naomi Netsayi
Date published: 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Catagory URL:
Title: Geologies of power: blood diamonds, security politics and Zimbabwe's troubled transition
Author: Saunders, Richard
Date published: 2014
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment: What Works?
Author: Buvinic, Mayra
Date published: 2016
Publisher: World Bank
Catagory URL:
Title: The intersection of antiretroviral therapy, peer support programmes, and economic empowerment with HIV stigma among HIV-positive women in West Nile Uganda
Author: Kellett, Nicole Coffey
Date published: 2016
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: Trade unions, the state and 'casino capitalism' in South Africa's clothing industry
Author: Nattrass, Nicoli
Date published: 2016
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: ‘Hot Money’: Gender and the Politics of Negotiation and Control Over Income in West African Smallholder Households
Author: Somé, Batamaka
Date published: 2013
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Catagory URL: