Title: Africa in the new millennium
Author: Suttner, Raymond
Date published: 2001
Publisher: The Nordic Africa Institute
Title: Counter Revolution in Egypt's Countryside : Land and Farmers in the Era of Economic Reform.
Author: Bush, Ray, ed.
Date published: 2002
Publisher: Zed Books
Title: Domination or dialogue? Experiences and prospects for African development cooperation
Author: Hauneuik, Kjell
Date published: 1996
Title: Economic reform, growth and the poor : Evidence from rural Ethiopia
Author: Dercon, Stefan
Date published: 2001
Publisher: CSAE Publishing
Title: Social change and economic reform in Africa
Author: Gibbon, Peter
Date published: 1993
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: Tanzania : is the ugly duckling finally growing up ?
Author: Bigsten, Arne
Date published: 2001
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: Africa in global power play: Debates, challenges and potential reforms
Date published: 2007
Publisher: Adonis & Abbey
Title: An African Growth Miracle?
Author: Rodrik, Dani
Date published: 2018
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Catagory URL:
Title: Central Africa: Crises, reform and reconstruction
Date published: 2005
Publisher: CODESRIA
Catagory URL:
Title: Citizens' support for Economic Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author: Fors, Heather Congdon
Date published: 2016
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Publishing Company
Catagory URL: