Title: "We are a Collective, a Lot of Us Together, Standing Up": South African Black Lesbian Women's Activism Against Discourses of Blackwashing Homophobia
Author: Pinheiro, Gabriela
Date published: 2019
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Title: A Critical Participatory Pedagogical Approach to Enabling Life Orientation Students to Develop Social Literacy Through HIV Education
Author: Brown, Anthony
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: A critical participatory pedagogical approach to enabling life orientation students to develop social literacy through HIV education
Author: Brown, Anthony
Date published: 2018
Publisher: NISC
Catagory URL:
Title: Activism for Migrant Domestic Workers in South Africa: Tensions in the Framing of Labour Rights
Author: Vanyoro, Kudakwashe
Date published: 2021
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: Activism for Migrant Domestic Workers in South Africa: Tensions in the Framing of Labour Rights
Author: Vanyoro, Kudakwashe
Date published: 2021
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: Bikuda: Hair, Aesthetic, and Bodily Perspectives from Women in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Author: Means, Sheryl Felecia
Date published: 2020
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: Black gay Paris
Date published: 2017
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: Gender, difference and urban change: implications for the promotion of well-being?
Author: Walker, Julian
Date published: 2013
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Catagory URL:
Title: Intersectionality and women's political citizenship: the case of Mauritius
Author: Ramtohul, Ramola
Date published: 2015
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Catagory URL:
Title: Mother Earth is for us all: the discontent of Oromo pottery-making women at land dispossession in Southwest Oromia, Ethiopia
Author: Wayessa, Bula
Date published: 2023
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group