Title: India: 1998 Macroeconomic Update Reforming for Growth and Poverty Reduction
Date published: 1998
Publisher: The World Bank
Title: International Macroeconomics : Theory, Policy and Applications.
Author: Bird, Graham
Date published: 1987
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Title: Macro-economics making gender matter: Concepts, policies and institutional change in developing countries
Author: Gulierrez, Martha
Date published: 2003
Publisher: Zedbooks
Title: Macroeconomics: A programmed book
Author: Attiyeh, Richard
Date published: (c1967)
Publisher: Prentice Hall Publishing Co.
Title: West Africa Economic Outlook 2018 : Macroeconomic Developments and Poverty, inequality, and employment: Labour Markets and Jobs
Date published: 2018
Publisher: African Development Bank (AfDB)
Title: Workbook for methods of Macroeconomic dynamics
Author: Turnovsky, Stephen J.
Date published: 2000
Publisher: The MIT Press
Title: African Economic Outlook 2018 : Macroeconomic Developments and Structural Change Infrastructure and its Financing
Date published: 2018
Publisher: African Development Bank (AfDB)
Title: African Economic Outlook 2018 : Macroeconomic Developments and Structural Change Infrastructure and its Financing
Date published: 2018
Publisher: African Development Bank (AfDB)
Title: Aid and Dutch Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa
Author: Fielding, David
Date published: 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Catagory URL:
Title: Analytical Aspects of the Debt Problems of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
Author: Kanbur, Ravi
Date published: 1999
Publisher: World Bank Group
Catagory URL: