Title: "I Will Continue Fighting FGM to Protect Women and Girls": Dr. Morissanda Kouyaté, Mandela Prize Laureate 2020
Author: Kuwonu, Franck
Date published: 2020
Publisher: UN
Title: "We Are Delighted with Mandela Prize 2020 Laureates": South Africa's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Jerry Matjila
Author: Musau, Zipporah
Date published: 2020
Publisher: UN
Title: Alfred Nzo: Reassessing a Misunderstood Minister
Author: Williams, Christopher
Date published: 2021
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: An analysis of the challenges facing emerging contractors in the Nelson Mandela metropole, South Africa
Author: Ncwadi
Date published: 2006
Publisher: Africa Institute of South Africa (AI)
Title: An interview with George Hallett
Author: Mason, John Edwin
Date published: 2014
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL:
Title: Anti-Apartheid: The Black British Response
Author: Williams, Elizabeth
Date published: 2012
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL:
Title: Armed and Trained: Nelson Mandela's 1962 Military Mission as Commander in Chief of Umkhonto we Sizwe and Provenance for his buried makarov Pistol
Author: Benneyworth, Garth
Date published: 2011
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Catagory URL:
Title: Bechuanaland's Aerial Pipeline: Intelligence and Counter Intelligence Operations against the South African Liberation Movements, 1960-1965
Author: Benneyworth, Garth
Date published: 2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: Caught Between Two Chinas: Assessing South Africa's Switch from Taipei to Beijing
Author: Williams, Christopher
Date published: 2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group
Title: Chronique bibliographique : Mandela à livres ouverts
Author: Dupin, Benoît
Date published: 2017
Publisher: Editions Karthala
Catagory URL: