Southern Africa collection
Title: Fairy Godmother, Hergon or partner? UN search of a South African foreign Policy
Author: Solomon, Hussier, ed.
Date published: 1997
Publisher: Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Title: Fault lines in South African democracy: Continuing crisis of inequality and injustice
Author: Hendrick, Fred
Date published: 2003
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: Female workers in Agribusiness in Zimbabwe
Author: Sachikonye, L.M.
Date published: 1997
Publisher: OSSREA
Title: Fertiliser aid: evaluation of Netherlands fertiliser aid 1975-1993, with special reference to Bangladesh, Mali and Zambia
Date published: 1995
Title: Fighting Apartheid: A cartoon history
Date published: 1987
Publisher: UNESCO
Title: Financial aspects of economic sanctions on South Africa
Author: Clarke, Simon
Date published: 1980
Publisher: International University Exchange Fund
Title: Fiscal Consolidation and Adjustment: Lessons from Zambia and Uganda
Author: Mwaba, Andrew
Date published: 1997
Publisher: AfDB
Title: Five African States Response to Diversity: the Congo, Dahomey, The Cameroun Federal Republic, The Rhodesia and Nyasaland, South Africa
Author: Carter, Gwendolen M. (ed.)
Date published: 1963
Publisher: Cornell University Press
Title: For their triumphs and for their tears: Conditions and resistance of women in apartheid South Africa
Author: Bernstein, Hilda
Date published: 1978
Publisher: International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa (IDAF)
Title: For valour: the history of Southern Africa's Victoria Cross Heroes
Author: Uys, Ian S.
Date published: 1973
Publisher: Johannesburg