Zambia collection
Title: The Rise of Nationalism in Central Africa: The Making of Malawi and Zambia, 1873-1964
Author: Rotberg, Robert I.
Date published: 1967
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Title: The University of Zambia Calendar: 1980-1982
Date published: 1965
Title: Third world countries and development options: Zambia
Author: Chileshe, Jonathan H.
Date published: 1986
Publisher: Vikas Pu
Title: Tribal cohesion in a money economy: A study of the Mambwe people of Zambia
Author: WATSON, William
Date published: 1958
Publisher: Published on behalf of the Institute for African Studies, University of Zambia, by Manchester University
Title: Union Parties and Political Development : A Study of Mineworkers in Zambia.
Author: Bates, Robert H.
Date published: 1971
Publisher: Uniiversity Press
Title: Women workers in Ghana, Kenya, Zambia : A comparative analysis of women's employment in the modern wage sector
Author: Akerele, Olubanke
Date published: 1979
Publisher: UN-ECA
Title: Zambia 1890-1964: The colonial period
Author: Hall, Richard
Date published: 1976
Publisher: Longman
Title: Zambia and Northern Rhodesia law reports: 1963-1964
Author: Porter, A.R.W..(ed.)
Date published: 1970
Title: Zambia country assistance review: Turning an economy around
Author: Bonnick, Glqdstone G.
Date published: 1997
Publisher: World Bank
Title: Zambia shall be free: An autobiography
Author: Kaunda, Kenneth D.
Date published: 1962