From Exxon Valdez to Oriental Nicety: African environmental issues, accounting and corporate responsibilities
From Exxon Valdez to Oriental Nicety: African environmental issues, accounting and corporate responsibilities
This paper investigates the environmental issues caused by the oil exploitations in the US India and in Africa. The paper deals with several questions. Who should be held accountable? What are the roles of the oil companies? What is the responsibility of regulators and governments? How should we count the damages? What are the 'solutions'? Researchers and the International Press report that the endless oil spills in Nigeria have created ecological disaster.
CITATION: Sy, Aida. From Exxon Valdez to Oriental Nicety: African environmental issues, accounting and corporate responsibilities . : Inderscience , 2013. African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2013, pp. 189-203 - Available at: