Financial Marriage of Convenience between China and the US
Financial Marriage of Convenience between China and the US
Despite growing global concerns regarding the reliability of the American economy in general and the Dollar as a Negotiated Currency in particular, US-shaped regime of international finance will survive the present difficulties. This is mainly due to the fact that China would be predisposed to maintain its backing of the US Dollar, not to harm it, because it staked a massive economic and political capital in that. Beijing has so far persisted in assisting the global value of the US Dollar (sacrificing considerable sums of economic return), which is an apt move to beef up the American domestic market with the intention of keeping Chinese factories busy at all times.
CITATION: Dilek, Oguz. Financial Marriage of Convenience between China and the US edited by Koyuncugil, Ali Serhan . Hershey, PA : IGI Global , 2013. Technology and Financial Crisis - Available at: