Urbanization and its Implications for Child Health: Potential for action

Urbanization and its Implications for Child Health: Potential for action

The World Health Organization
Phys descriptions: 
80, vi, ill., tables
Date published: 
Record type: 
Corporate Author: 
World Health Organization (WHO)
Call No: 
364.122.5 WOR

In recent years, most developing countries have experienced an unprecedented growth in their urban populations. Yet little has been done to provide the homes and neighbourhoods where these growing populations live with the services and amenities essential for a healthy life: piped water, facilities for the removal of household and human wastes, storm-and surface-water drainage, all-weather access roads, and health care and emergency life-saving services. This book explores present trends in urbanization, the effect of these trends on the physical and social environment, and the impact of this environment on child health. It aims to increase awareness of the severe and pervasive impact on health of the deteriorating environmental conditions produced by too rapid urbanization, and to promote widespread consideration of policies and actions that could improve the situation.


CITATION: World Health Organization (WHO). Urbanization and its Implications for Child Health: Potential for action . Geneva : The World Health Organization , 1988. - Available at: http://library.au.int/urbanization-and-its-implications-child-health-potential-action-5