Western Africa collection
Title: A March of Progress:Collected speeches of his excellency General Olusegun Obasanjo
Author: Scott-Emeerakpur, L.E(ed)
Date published: [1980?]
Publisher: Federal Ministry of Information, Federal Military Government of Nigeria
Title: A narrative of the expedition sent by her Majesty's government to the river Niger in 1841
Author: ALLEN, William, THOMSON, T.R.H.
Date published: 1968
Publisher: Richard Bentley
Title: A narrative of travels in northern Africa in the years 1818-1819 and 1820 accompanied by geographical notices of Sudan and of the course of the Niger
Author: LYON, G.F.
Date published: 1966
Title: A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, Divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts
Author: Bosaman, Williiam
Date published: 1967
Publisher: Frank Cass
Title: A new voyage to Guinea: Describing the customs, manners, soil, climate, habits, buildings, education, manual arts, agriculture, trade, employments, language, ranks of distinction, habitations, diversions, marriages, and whatever else is memorable among the inhabitants
Author: SMITH, William
Date published: 1967
Title: A Political History of Ghana: The Rise of Gold Coast Nationalism 1850-1928
Author: Kimble, David
Date published: (1963)
Publisher: Clarendon Press
Title: A Preface to Modern Nigeria: The Sierra Leonians in Yoruba, 1830-1890
Author: Kopytoff, Jean Herskovits
Date published: 1965
Publisher: The University of Wisconsin Press
Title: A Review of the effectiveness of the Laws on Drug abuse in Nigeria.
Author: Dambazau, A.B.
Date published: 1997
Publisher: National Institute for Policy and Strategic studies
Title: A Study of Contemporary Ghana
Author: Birmingham, Walter
Date published: 1967
Publisher: George Allen & Unwin Ltd
Title: A wreath for the maidens
Author: Munonye, John
Date published: 1973
Publisher: Heinemann