Western Africa collection
Title: Alpha Oumar Konaré: Un Africain du Mali
Author: Cattanéo, Bernard
Date published: 2004
Publisher: Cauris
Title: America's Hegemonic Influence on the Outcome of the 2015 Presidential Election in Nigeria
Author: Odubajo, Tola
Date published: 2019
Publisher: Adonis & Abbey
Catagory URL: http://www.adonis-abbey.com
Title: Among the Ibos of Nigeria
Author: BASDEN, G.T.
Date published: 1966
Publisher: Frank Cass
Title: An account of the gold coast of Africa with a brief history of the African company
Author: MEREDITH, Henry
Date published: 1967
Publisher: Cass
Title: An Account of the Native Africans in the Neighbourhood of Sierra Leone to Which is Added an Account of the Present State of Medicine Among them
Author: WINTERBOTTOM, Thomas
Date published: 1969
Publisher: Frank Cass
Title: An African dilemma: University students, development and politics in Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda
Author: Barkan, Joel D.
Date published: 1975
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Title: An economic history of Nigeria 1860-1960
Author: Edundare, R. Olufemi
Date published: 1973
Publisher: Methuen Publishing
Title: An evaluation of Netherlands cofinancing of World Bank activities in Ghana 1983-1996
Author: Sowa, Nilk
Date published: 1997
Publisher: World Bank
Title: An Introduction to Eqity in Nigeria
Author: Kodilinye, Gilbert
Date published: 1975
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell
Title: An Introduction to Industrial Relations in Nigeria
Author: Yesufu, T.M.
Date published: (1962)
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)