Zimbabwe collection
Title: Quel est le rythme de la baisse de la fécondité au Botswana et au Zimbabwe?
Author: Thomas, Duncan
Date published: 1995
Publisher: Banque international pour la reconstruction
Title: Rethinking research on land degradation in developing countries
Author: Biot, Yvan, [et al.]
Date published: 1995
Publisher: World Bank
Title: Rhodesia life
Author: Nkrumah, Kwame
Date published: 1976
Title: Seeds for African peasants: Peasants' needs and agricultural research - the case of Zimbabwe
Author: Friis-Hansen, Esbern
Date published: 1995
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: Silent journey from the east
Author: Mazorodze, Isheunesu Valentine
Date published: 1989
Publisher: Zimbabwe Pub. House
Title: Social dilemmas and shame-based sanctions : Experimental results from rural Zimbabwe
Author: Barr, Abigail
Date published: 2001
Publisher: CSAE Publishing
Title: Socialism, education and development: A challenge to Zimbabwe
Author: Chung, Fay
Date published: 1985
Publisher: Zimbabwe Publishing House
Title: Socioeconomic Stress, Health and Child Nutritional Status in Zimbabwe at a time of Economic Structural Adjustment:Three year Longitudinal Study.
Author: Bijlmakers, Leon
Date published: 1998
Publisher: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Title: Structural Adjustment and Women informal Sector Traders in Harare, Zimbabwe
Author: Mupedziswa, Rodrick
Date published: 1998
Publisher: The Nordic Africa Institute
Title: Technological capabilities and learning in African enterprises
Author: Biggs, Tyler
Date published: 1995
Publisher: World Bank